Front cover image for Understanding natural hazards : Great lakes - St. Lawrence River System and large inland lakes, river and stream systems and hazardous sites : an introductory guide for public health and safety policies 3.1, provincial policy statement

Understanding natural hazards : Great lakes - St. Lawrence River System and large inland lakes, river and stream systems and hazardous sites : an introductory guide for public health and safety policies 3.1, provincial policy statement

This publication has been prepared to assist the public & planning authorities with the explanation of the Natural Hazards Policies of the Provincial Policy Statement of the Ontario Planning Act. It explains what is considered as a natural hazard, reviews some Ontario natural hazards such as floods, and summarizes provincial initiatives to reduce the impacts of natural hazards. This is followed by summaries of the tools that have been developed to assist planning authorities with the identification of hazardous lands on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system & large inland lakes, on river & stream systems, and on hazardous site such as unstable soils & bedrock. The final sections set out the steps to be taken in hazard assessment and provide information on ecosystem-based planning & management, adaptation to changing conditions, and implementation of natural hazard management
Print Book, English, 2001
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources], [Toronto, 2001
40 p. : col. ill., 1 col. map ; 28 cm.
9780779410088, 0779410084
Cover title
"51499"--P. [2] of cover